Carlos Timoshenko 应用

Resistance Calculator 1.0
Resistors based coal have an interestingpattern of colors we use to know the resistance. This code isuniversal. With this calculator can quickly calculate the exactresistance of a resistor.
Calculadora de Horas Extras 2.0
Com este aplicativo fica fácil calcular as horas extras.Basta informar o salário mensal, a carga horária durante asemana e o total de horas extras trabalhadas, inclusive no final desemana.With thisapp is easy to calculate overtime.Just inform the monthly salary, workload during the week and thetotal overtime, including weekend.
IMEI - Identifier 1.2
IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity is a unique code foreach mobile device. Through this number we can request the blockingwith the carrier in case of loss or theft. This process makes thephone totally useless misplaced if someone wants to use it. Imagineif everyone who suffered a burglary or theft of your mobile phone,previously had this number and requested it along the blockoperator, it would make the phone worthless misplaced, which couldalso reduce this type of crime, as the miscreant not would like tosell a mobile phone that does not work anymore.
CPF/CNPJ Generator 1.0
When we are developing a trading system thatneeds to validate CNPJ and CPF always need to create mass data.With this app can easily generate documents that can be validatedin our program.WARNING: App developed exclusively for the purpose of assistingother programmers in performing software testing. Do not blame mefor fraud attempts or even the coincidence of generating a CPFand/or CNPJ which are not only more valid also real, because ittreats a coincidence.
Vehicle Information 0.3.0
Provides the query in the database DENATRAN (NationalTrafficDepartment). Through this consultation, every citizen cancheckwhether there is record of theft of the vehicle consulted, orit isa cloned car.After installing the system, the user can also perform querybyimage recognition, where clicking the button with the image ofthecamera, the camera phone is used to try to recognize the cardthatis being targeted.Attention: If yes to the record of theft, the informationisshown in red, the more it is worth noting that at no timecitizensshould take action on their own, how to approach thevehicle. Therecommended is to call 190 and move the vehicle datasuch aslocation and features and let the authorities takeappropriateaction.** Only work for Brasilian cars. **
Time Control 5.0
Many companies do not provide a meansforemployees to control working hours. Thinking about it,andfollowing a request from a very special person, was developedthisapplication. With it you can simply generate a report withthehours worked in the month. You can also enter the holidays anddaysoff. And at the end you can send directly to your email.
ENEM Media Calculator 3.0
Each year, here in Brazil, our universitiesseeembracing more and more the ENEM exam, also manyBrazilianGovernment projects require the candidate to participatein thisexamination. Thinking about it i developed this simpleapplicationto help all of us to correctly calculate your average.Eachuniversity assigns their own weight that suits you best, andtheseweights can even change depending on the desired course. Sotoproperly calculate your average you will need to access theENEMthe site and save your notes in each area of knowledge. Usingthesedata just look at the university (on the site) you wish toattendwhat the correct weight for your course of choice. Simplyenterthis information into our application and ready. Well, surelyit iseasier to do the test !! : D
Flashlight 6.26.14
With this app we can use the camera flash asaflashlight when needed.*** WARNING! ***Prolonged use may reduce the lifetime of the battery.
CEP 29 2.0
With this app you can easily see addressesinBrazil to identify the CEP, or consult the starting address If you find an address that is not on the basis please sendmethe data so i can update my base.